Project in Lithuania
April 22 - 26


Country: Vilnius, Lithuania

Dates: 22 – 26 April

Join us for an inspiring journey of growth and empowerment with our comprehensive training course tailored for women. In the face of Ukraine’s challenging circumstances, we’re offering a unique opportunity to enhance social skills, deepen social awareness, and cultivate green practices alongside digital proficiency.

Through interactive sessions, participants will harness their creativity, exploring innovative solutions for personal and professional development. Our program goes beyond traditional boundaries, fostering a deeper understanding of culture and community while strengthening bonds amongst participants.

In a world touched by conflict, the training course stands as a beacon of resilience, providing a supportive environment for women to thrive, learn, and lead with confidence.

The age of the participants:  18 – 30 years old

Number of participants:  1 participant to join the team.

Accommodation and meals during the project will be free of charge. Travel expenses will be reimbursed after the project