Masters of serious game – events in each country

masters of serious game

The next stage of the project were activities carried out by mobility participants in their communities.
“We play together! Small towns – big potential”

This activity was organized by project participants from Ukraine. These are people with some experience in conducting similar
forms of civic education classes, both in the form of general classes on civil rights and freedoms, as well as classes with gamification elements. The classes were attended by 60 young inhabitants of the Poltava region.

The game event “World of Communities: How it works. ABC from game masters” was organized by Lithuanian youth for 40 students from a school in Vilnius.
The competition “World of Communities”, organized by young people from Poland, was attended by students aged 14-19. Young people come from rural areas and towns of the Jasło poviat. They join the activities of the Initiative Foundation. They want to share their knowledge in order to other young people understood the processes taking place in the communities and participated in making decisions about the future of local communities or the process of creating local law.  The activities carried out became a time and place for exchanging information and views on human and civil rights and the functioning of the individual in the local community. Thanks to the use of serious and simulation games, young people became convinced that citizenship education can be fascinating and that it is worth getting involved in it. The project is implemented by the Foundation for the Development of Local Communities Initiative in Łężyny, partners: the Lithuanian ngo Association Tavo
Europa and the Ukrainian organization Poltava branch of the Social Service of Ukraine.

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