Growing Youth Work

Growing Youth Work


Duration: 31-12-2021– 31-12-2023

Project Number: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-YOU-000029323

Increasing and maintaining the quality of Youth work across Europe is key to achieving the Youth Goals, and this can be done by ensuring youth organisations and youth workers are able to learn from each other by recognizing and sharing good practices of other European youth projects, increasing the quality of youth work, the skills, competences and understanding of youth workers. The relevant existing information available relating to the measurement of impact and evaluation of impact assessment is undertaken as part of complex academic research hypotheses, analysis and presented in the form of reports covering theoretical frameworks of implementation. does provide a some tools and trainings which are specific to their local, regional or project’s thematic context (, and while these meet their purpose, there is a lack of consistency and standardisation at the level required to be scaled up and adopted at a pan-European level; particularly if the tool is to be “adopted” by the European Commission – which is a barrier. There is a distinct lack of standardised, flexible tools which link local, regional and national youth organisations with the policy makers at EU level. A set of digital tools which is aligned with the European Commission, but can be implemented by youth organisations at all levels to prepare, plan, implement, measure, monitor, evaluate and learn from other youth projects would go a long way to bridging the gap between the current involvement of youths and youths workers in EU youth policy.

The project aims to promote quality, innovation and recognition of youth work through the platform and outputs, as this is an overarching theme and strategic objective of the 2019-2027 Youth Goals. Increasing and maintaining the quality of Youth work across Europe is key to achieving the Youth Goals, and this can be done by ensuring youth organisations and youth workers are able to learn from each other by recognising and sharing good practices of other European youth projects, increasing the quality of youth work, the skills, competences and understanding of youth workers. To address these priorities, the project will strengthen and support the mandate of the EU Youth Coordinator (to ensure that youth issues are mainstreamed and well connected with all policy areas of the EU that affect young people) through the use of an innovative tool (within the GrowYOUth digital platform), which will increase transnational collaboration between youth organisations, promote “sister project” collaboration, engagement and sharing of lessons learned. We have selected the above priorities, to ensure the project is aligned with several of the 2019-2027 Youth Goals, which also shaped the project’s objectives. Therefore, our project objectives are: 1. Enhance recognition of Youth Work through European funded programs across Europe at national and EU level 2. Improve sectoral cooperation, including through the EU Youth Coordinator’s mandate, to give youth a voice in shaping EU policies 3. Support the capacity building of youth workers and youth work practices 4. Reinforce links between policy, research and practice and promote better knowledge about the situation of young people and youth policies 5. implement long-term “cross-fertilization“ of Youth project results that promote discussion and reflection on EU issues and enhance knowledge about the Union and its processes 6. Provide an evidence-base of information and data that facilitates the mainstreaming of youth issues amongst all policy areas of the EU that affect young people

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