In the activity program, each country wil be
responsible for carrying out and managing 1-day
activities. The Turkish team wil manage activities
such as introductions, icebreaker games, and
linguistic development games on the first day.
Afterwards, an Erasmus+ poster study wil be carried
out. The first day’s event wil end after the
Youthpass promotional activity. Starting from day 2,
each country wil manage 1 day of activity. We don’t
have to stick to the action plan. Country teams can
design creative activities related to covid-19 and
epidemics. The materials that wil be needed should
be communicated to us before the project. You wil
see in the activity plan which country wil manage
the activity on which day. In addition, the Turkish
team wil bring a medical team and demonstrate in
practice the precautions that should be taken during
the pandemic period.