Social Entrepreneurship for Youth – SE4Y

Duration: 2020-09-01 – 2022-08-31

Project number: 2020-2-IS01-KA205-065841

The role of youth in society has been getting higher on the agenda in the last several years across the globe. As the labour sector gains growing attention, a rising amount of young people (18-30 years of age) are showing an increased interest in becoming social entrepreneurs, as it is also proved by the training activities and the daily encounters of partner

organisations with the target group. Yet in most partner countries, a legal or regulatory framework for social enterprises does not exist or the sector of SE has poor visibility and recognition. There is a need for a support structure which will provide young and aspiring social entrepreneurs with the information and assistance they need to kick-start their social enterprise.

The specific objectives of the project are:

– to equip and support young people and youth workers with the knowledge, key competencies and tools related to social entrepreneurship and social innovation that will allow to turn

entrepreneurial ideas into social start-ups, to tackle challenges and problems identified within their communities.

– to foster cooperation and build new opportunities for further collaboration on social entrepreneurship between organisations active in the field from different EU countries.

The target group of the project is:

Young people, Youth workers, NGOs volunteers, professionals who are dealing with youth and have an interest in social entrepreneurship & local community development.

Main outputs:

– Roadmap for creating a social enterprise in 10 steps

– Capacity building course on SE for Sustainable Growth which will facilitate innovative learning practices in social entrepreneurship education by developing a curriculum and a set of guidelines, ethics and ideas that represent the most efficient tips of action and successful examples of SE in Europe.

– Help Desk to solve any additional problems and answer questions on social entrepreneurship, including the above IOs developed during the project, the registration procedures. It will also provide information and assistance on the definition of SE which will be operational in partner languages.

The project will bring together 6 partners from different countries wishing to promote SE and self-employment through raising awareness on social issues, strengthening young people participation and helping them to become responsible active members of our society by enriching their competences.

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