Rural Youth Parliament press release

The two-year Erasmus+ project “Rural Youth Parliament” is coming to an end. Its aim was to implement activities for young people, actively engaging them in community life, promoting civic participation, and facilitating the exchange of best practices with other European youth in various remote or rural areas. This project was implemented by four organizations: Asociatia GAL Napoca Porolissum (Romania), Learning for Integration ry (Finland), Commune Ploeuc L’Hermitage (France), and Asociacija Tavo Europa (Lithuania).

Key outcomes of this project include:
1. A handbook of best practices for involving rural youth in international cooperation. The handbook serves as an excellent resource for those working with youth, containing information, methods, activity examples, and local best practices related to youth involvement.
2. An innovative methodology for organizing rural youth parliaments in disadvantaged communities. The main goal of the methodology is to provide the best methods for organizing rural youth parliaments, including logistics, participant selection, and motivation to participate in the event.
3. Simulations of rural youth parliaments. This is an effective educational tool that allows young people to develop important skills such as public debate, opinion formation, public speaking, negotiation, and critical thinking.

In pursuing the project’s goals, the partners aimed to create an active community of young people capable of proposing and implementing local projects, nurturing democratic values, and responding to challenges facing society.

Activities under the project also took place in Lithuania, involving youth from smaller towns or rural areas in community life.

For more information about the project and its results, please visit:

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