Tavo Europa has been involved in numerous long-term projects over the years, resulting in a wealth of diverse materials. If you’re interested in tools, research, various methodologies, and much more, our library section is the perfect resource for you.
Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000028700
The C-ENTRY self-assessment tool can be used within organisations to evaluate the degree to which CE policies have been adopted. The tool assesses operations against 5 key indicators, namely: Resources, Waste, Energy, Emissions, and Innovation.
The Toolkit of 12 Interactive Infographics address thematic components identified by young people as key learning areas to support their sustainable entrepreneurship development based on circular economy principles.Embedded within a non-formal learning approach, the Interactive Infographics promote:
1) Circular Economy Knowledge – Opportunities in the Rural Economy;
2) Business Skills – Entrepreneurial Mindset;
3) Transversal Skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and media literacy.
Meanwhile, Virtual learning environment provides access to information, resources, best practices, initiatives, news, and events to give young people the opportunity to network and engage in peer learning.
The ultimate goal is to enable young people with creative ideas to establish circular economy initiatives in rural communities.
Digital culture and digital cultural experiences are already a reality that is becoming familiar to many people around the world. However, there is a lack of knowledge and skills both in creating digital experiences and in integrating them into society and using them responsibly. The national focused digital cultural curriculum responds to the current need to understand the opportunities and challenges of LOD, digital culture and digital media. This curriculum is primarily intended for museums, archives, libraries, and other cultural institutions. Both for those who maintain a quality digital culture and those who are still learning to open their treasures to consumers.
Project number: 2020-3-RO01-KA205-094853
The platform incorporates different functionalities: 1) e-learning area with all learning educational material; 2) eco-cities audit tool for evaluating the sustainability and eco-friendliness of each city; 3) GreenACT movement where young people, youth workers, professionals to network, coordinate their actions and exchange good practices; 4) e-data bank including a collection of good practices: articles on European policies, similar green projects and other support material for youth workers. E-Learning platform: https://learning.greenactproject.eu/
HOPASUS project was born out of the need of teachers and youth workers from 4 European countries to develop their digital skills and become more resilient in times of pandemics by using sport video games in their virtual or face-to-face classrooms.
The YOUTHMINDS project aimed to develop a platform, a knowledge pack, an activity pack, and a guidebook that provided information about the mobile application. The InnerYOU MOB APP offered young people the opportunity to take care of, improve, and maintain their mental health by creating their own personalized Action Plan on a weekly basis, tailored to their preferences and needs. Additionally, the project pioneered the design of educational tools in a digital format, which helped young people and youth workers practice and enhance their digital skills.
The PLATFORM includes various functions for enhancing e-learning and e-communication of young people and youth workers. It includes the E-LEARNING section of the tool where young people will be able to navigate through the learning material and enhance their knowledge on mental health subject.
Platform: https://learning.youthminds.eu/
INspiring adUlts explore Their ARTIstic side (QuarantinART) equips and supports women with knowledge, key competencies and tools for improving understanding of artistic environments and diversity concepts in order for people who do not have the luxury to learn how to invest in art, or with a background that is not so artistic friendly, to invest time and energy in accepting that a more creative life will ensure an increase of resourcefulness and inspiration which even allows women to work professionally in a creative field.
This comprehensive resource provides essential tools and insights to empower youth involvement, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community. Explore strategies to overcome challenges, create youth friendly spaces, and utilize online platforms for effective engagement.
The materials consist of training methods, schedules, core modules and effective element combinations in a toolkit style. The Training Package for NEET Teachers is finalized in combination with the modules of the “Tools for trainers to empower NEETS” project: 1) Employability, 2) Mobility, 3) Entrepreneurship, 4) ICT & Media tools, 5) Soft skills & Other competences, 6) Additional Training materials which are related to the on-line modules and the results of the “Tools for trainers to empower NEETS” project which was completed in October 2018.