

Circular Economy Entrepreneurship Competences for youth website. 

Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000028700

C-ENTRY promotes youth employment and entrepreneurship in rural areas by empowering young people with the capabilities to create co-working and start-up incubators exploiting the opportunities provided by the Circular Economy. Focussing on the specific sectors of furniture making, agri-business, and construction, C-ENTRY explores the opportunities that exist for young people to either gain employment or create employment. Through a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), access to a range of interactive learning resources focused on circular economy skills, business development competences, and transversal skills – 21st century skills sought-after by young people is available across Europe. The C-ENTRY project is utilising Europe’s Circular Economy Action Plan as a framework for project development to ensure we contribute to sustainable growth within Europe.

Circular economy sectorial assessment methodology

The C-ENTRY self-assessment tool can be used within organisations to evaluate the degree to which CE policies have been adopted. The tool assesses operations against 5 key indicators, namely: Resources, Waste, Energy, Emissions, and Innovation.

Toolkit of interactive infographics and Virtual learning environment 

The Toolkit of 12 Interactive Infographics address thematic components identified by young people as key learning areas to support their sustainable entrepreneurship development based on circular economy principles.Embedded within a non-formal learning approach, the Interactive Infographics promote:

1) Circular Economy Knowledge – Opportunities in the Rural Economy;

2) Business Skills – Entrepreneurial Mindset;

3) Transversal Skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and media literacy.

Meanwhile, Virtual learning environment provides access to information, resources, best practices, initiatives, news, and events to give young people the opportunity to network and engage in peer learning.

The ultimate goal is to enable young people with creative ideas to establish circular economy initiatives in rural communities.

Digital cultural designer

Project number: 2020-2-UK01-KA205-079461

To project’s Facebook page

The Digital Cultural Designer (DCD) Project consists of extending and developing the digital skills and competences of young people especially in the field of culture aiming to improve cultural education through innovative online tools and methods. As young people are the main users of social media nowadays and as 21st century is the new digital era there is a need to increase the digital awareness of youth and develop their skills in IT and other technology contexts, increasing their knowledge and active participation in the activities of DCD Project and in their societies in general. The project aimed also to introduce young adults to the concept of open data allowing them to learn and experiment with open data, corresponding to their own needs.


Digital cultural handbook

This Cultural Digital Handbook aims to help you understand and learn the concepts of digital culture, linked open data, how they have changed during the decades, how young people are affected and what are the most requisite jobs nowadays and in the feature. You will be also able to learn examples of existing organisations and institutions implementing digital culture among European countries. Psychology also plays an important role in your professional life, so you can learn what the passive and negative effects of art and technology-based jobs are and which ways can be effective in order to enhance your digital awareness.

National Curriculum

Digital culture and digital cultural experiences are already a reality that is becoming familiar to many people around the world. However, there is a lack of knowledge and skills both in creating digital experiences and in integrating them into society and using them responsibly. The national focused digital cultural curriculum responds to the current need to understand the opportunities and challenges of LOD, digital culture and digital media. This curriculum is primarily intended for museums, archives, libraries, and other cultural institutions. Both for those who maintain a quality digital culture and those who are still learning to open their treasures to consumers.


Project number: 2020-3-RO01-KA205-094853

GreenACT project aimed to cultivate young people’s 16-25 years old interest in environmental issues, and a caring attitude towards the environment demonstrated by organised actions in their countries for promoting the need to save energy resources, reduce waste, compensate carbon footprint emissions, choose sustainable food and mobility choices, etc.

1. GreenACT conceptual framework for increasing environmental awareness and responsible behavior
The main aim was is to explore and assess young people’s knowledge of basic environmental issues, to investigate the strategies/policies at the national and EU level in relation to the promotion of environmental awareness and to develop a National Report presenting the results in each partner country. Then the partnership also developed a Comparative Infographic report and provided a Conceptual Framework for acquiring specific knowledge and targeted skills addressed to young people that will later be used as a basis for the design of the Education pack.


2. GreenACT educational pack for enhancing environmental awareness and promoting eco-citizenship
The partners developed the Educational Pack with all the learning material that will help young people engage in environmental actions and have a positive impact. At this stage the consortium also created a Data Bank with tools, resources, teaching material, videos, reports etc. to support youth workers and young people. 

3. GreenACT multi-purpose platform: developing the eco-cities audit tool, e-learning, e-data bank, GreenACT movement

The platform incorporates different functionalities: 1) e-learning area with all learning educational material; 2) eco-cities audit tool for evaluating the sustainability and eco-friendliness of each city; 3) GreenACT movement where young people, youth workers, professionals to network, coordinate their actions and exchange good practices; 4) e-data bank including a collection of good practices: articles on European policies, similar green projects and other support material for youth workers. E-Learning platform:

4, GreenACT toolbox: setting up the summer schools

The TOOLBOX includes the summarised results of the project. Moreover, it contains useful and practical information and ideas, useful for the on-field implementation of the GreenACT schools. It aims to offer concrete and practical help to NGOs, NPOs, schools, clubs or any other type of educational institutions and associations that would decide to implement such mobility. Overall, this document presents a step-by-step implementation guide for partners and other organisations to have, which will ensure high quality provision and monitoring of the learning provision.

Growing Youth Work

Project Number: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-YOU-000029323


The project aimed to promote quality, innovation and recognition of youth work through the platform and outputs, as this is an overarching theme and strategic objective of the 2019-2027 Youth Goals. Increasing and maintaining the quality of Youth work across Europe is key to achieving the Youth Goals, and this can be done by ensuring youth organisations and youth workers are able to learn from each other by recognising and sharing good practices of other European youth projects, increasing the quality of youth work, the skills, competences and understanding of youth worker. 

GrowYOUth digital tool and platform

The GrowYOUth tool is a collaborative platform designed to support youth work professionals by sharing resources, tools, and best practices. The platform provides access to the digital training course, community of practice and tool assessment and policy recommendation. The platform encourages community contributions to create valuable projects thus enriching youth work. 



Project number: 101049653 — HOP — ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SCP

HOPASUS project was born out of the need of teachers and youth workers from 4 European countries to develop their digital skills and become more resilient in times of pandemics by using sport video games in their virtual or face-to-face classrooms.

The aim of our project was to encourage sport teachers to recognize the potential of video games and sport applications and experiment with new strategies for incorporating them into their gyms and classrooms. Video games/reminder applications may attract youths who are not typically interested in gym class and offer an alternative transition into sports and physical activity. 

Hopasus guide for sport teachers in integrating video gaming in their sport activities with youth

The “HopaSuS Guide” is a step-by-step resource that highlights the educational use of sports video games as an innovative tool for promoting physical activity. The guide provides recommendations for teachers, coaches, parents, and youth workers on incorporating digital games in classrooms and gyms to engage students and improve physical skills. It includes research, best practices, and assessment tools for evaluating children’s physical and postural development.

Healthy behavior report: Lithuania

This research provides a thorough overview of the HopaSus project’s in-depth discoveries and insights. Funded by Erasmus+ and employing non-formal educational approaches, this sport-focused initiative unfolded in Lithuania. Its primary objective was to bolster physical capabilities and encourage a wholesome lifestyle among its participants. Within this report, you will find a comprehensive account of the research workshops conducted, the challenges presented, the participants’ performance in each task, the utilization of photo and video materials, and the overarching achievements of the project.

Youth Minds

Promotion of Youth Mental Health through Awareness, Prevention & Resilience Building website. 


Project Number: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000028603


The YOUTHMINDS project aimed to develop a platform, a knowledge pack, an activity pack, and a guidebook that provided information about the mobile application. The InnerYOU MOB APP offered young people the opportunity to take care of, improve, and maintain their mental health by creating their own personalized Action Plan on a weekly basis, tailored to their preferences and needs. Additionally, the project pioneered the design of educational tools in a digital format, which helped young people and youth workers practice and enhance their digital skills.


The main objectives of the project were to:

  • Normalize mental health problems by encouraging youth workers and young people to talk about them, share experiences, and being there for others when help is needed;
  • Equip youth workers with the needed knowledge, skills and attitudes to address the needs of young people regarding mental health issues;
  • Help young people to better understand their emotions, talk more about mental health issues, and develop resilience;
  • Reduce social stigma and normalize conversation around mental health problems;
  • Promote healthier attitudes and behaviours in the long-term as young people will be equipped with skills and competences during adolescence enabling the avoidance of mental health issues in their adult life.

Knowledge & activity pack for supporting young people’s social and emotional development

The main aim was to assess YOUNG PEOPLE’S knowledge in Mental Health Literacy, their skills when dealing with Mental Health problems, their attitudes towards people with Mental Health Problems (social stigma), improve young people’s knowledge of mental health problems, wellbeing and healthy lifestyle, normalize the experience of mental illness and eventually, encourage young people to talk, and seek for professional help if needed.

Interactive platform for promoting e-learning and eparticipation

The PLATFORM includes various functions for enhancing e-learning and e-communication of young people and youth workers. It includes the E-LEARNING section of the tool where young people will be able to navigate through the learning material and enhance their knowledge on mental health subject.


InnerYOU smartphone application for promotion of mental health and wellbeing

The InnerYOU Smartphone App, designed to promote mental health and well-being among young people. The app provides personalized, weekly Action Plans tailored to users’ preferences, helping them adopt positive habits and attitudes to manage life challenges. After registration, users complete a self-assessment, set mental health goals, and select preferred resources such as podcasts or music. The app also features a virtual buddy system and a community space, allowing users to connect, monitor each other’s progress, and share experiences to foster socialization and support.

Guidebook, tailored for setting up the YouthMinds Challenge

This Guidebook is designed to assist partners, youth organizations, and training centers in implementing the Challenge, which promotes young people’s mental health by enhancing their knowledge and well-being. It includes a training activity to prepare youth workers as trainers and mentors for young participants and is supported by high-tech tools like the platform and mobile app. Additionally, a campaign with info days and social media outreach will raise awareness and encourage participation in the program. 

Let's Talk

Let’s Talk – An Effective Mental Health Promotion, Prevention And Intervention Programme Towards Positive Youth Development In The 21st Century

Project number: 2022-1-SE02-KA220-YOU-000087230

The LetsTALK project aimed to address the impact of Mental Health Disorders on young people aged 16-25, promoting their social and economic inclusion in the community. Mental Health Disorders, such as depression and anxiety, can lead to isolation, stigma, and limited opportunities for youth. The project seeks to develop a comprehensive Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, and Intervention Programme to increase young people’s awareness of Mental Health Disorders and equip them with essential coping skills and healthy relationship-building abilities.

1. Competence framework for mental health promotion for youth in Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Cyprus

The Competence Framework provides essential guidelines to support mental well-being among young people. It covers topics such as understanding mental health disorders, addressing stigma, seeking help, and learning coping techniques. 

The framework also emphasizes the development of emotional intelligence, resilience, and mindfulness practices to promote healthier social and emotional lives. It is a comprehensive tool aimed at equipping youth workers and professionals with the skills needed to address mental health challenges in their communities.

2. Learning material for youth workers and young people: Empowering life skills and mental health

The learning material provides a comprehensive guide for empowering youth with life skills and mental health awareness. The material includes modules covering topics such as understanding mental health disorders, overcoming stigma, developing healthy lifestyles, and enhancing emotional intelligence. Youth workers are equipped with practical tools, videos, and activities to facilitate engaging learning experiences for their target audience.

3. A-Z Lexicon to guide individuals on mental health and mental health disorders

The A-Z Lexicon for Mental Health is a comprehensive reference book designed to provide adequate information on various Mental Health Disorders. It aims to assist Youth workers working in NGOs in Europe in their efforts to support individuals facing mental health challenges. This lexicon offers definitions, symptoms, causes, and characteristics of different MHDs, enabling youth workers to enhance their understanding and provide effective assistance to those in need.


 INspiring adUlts explore Their ARTIstic side – QuarantinART

Project number: 2020-1-SK01-KA227-ADU-094290

INspiring adUlts explore Their ARTIstic side (QuarantinART) equips and supports women with knowledge, key competencies and tools for improving understanding of artistic environments and diversity concepts in order for people who do not have the luxury to learn how to invest in art, or with a background that is not so artistic friendly, to invest time and energy in accepting that a more creative life will ensure an increase of resourcefulness and inspiration which even allows women to work professionally in a creative field.

QuarantinArt Course

The aim of heart courses that the project proposes is to increase women’s skills in the field of art, allowing them to discover new talents and new passions that can also be the begging of a professional path. Many women may have creative passions that they have not had the time ant the opportunity to develop. These courses will allow them to learn, socialize with others with the same passion, express themselves throw the process, and wear their own creations not only is this therapeutic, but it also increases their self-love and make them feel beautiful and unique as every woman deserves whatever their financial background.

Rural Youth Parliament

Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000029265

This project addresses the needs of the youth in the rural areas, as they constantly need to be more proactive in their communities, they need to be more skilled and gain new competences for better social development. Thus, the project’s objective was to help the young people in the rural area to achieve all these through activities that are meant to add value in their social and professional life. These activities are: creation of a guide on best practices for transnational cooperation for rural youth engagement; creation of an interactive methodology for organizing rural youth parliaments as tools for active engagement of young people, best practice exchange with our partners from abroad, rural youth parliament simulations; a learning, teaching training activity in order to gain new competences: digital, social, etc.

1. Guide on best practices for transnational cooperation for rural youth engagement

Guide, is to provide young people with important information regarding democracy, youth involvement in the community, examples of best practices, examples of different activities to be implemented and the actual situation of the participation of the young people in some areas of Romania, Finland and Lithuania. Also, besides the theoretical information, the Guide is meant to create a proper basis for activity learning and youth involvement, by providing interactive examples and targeted activities, that will facilitate the achievement of different soft skills: communication, debate, critical thinking, needs assessment, motivation, etc.

2. Methodology for organizing rural youth parliaments as tools for active engagement of young people in disadvantaged communities

The objective of this project is to more actively integrate young people from disadvantaged areas, including rural areas, in the life of the public community. For this, four institutions, from four different European countries, will work together to create an innovative methodology for organizing rural youth parliament. Indeed, youth parliaments can be used as tools for an active engagement of young people, especially in disadvantaged communities. Nevertheless, organizing such events can present difficulties for small structures which do not always have the necessary means. The results of this project therefore aim to provide information as well as good practices to actors interested in the organization of youth parliaments.

3. Online guide with instruments for involving young people in the social life of the community

This comprehensive resource provides essential tools and insights to empower youth involvement, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community. Explore strategies to overcome challenges, create youth friendly spaces, and utilize online platforms for effective engagement.

3. Online tutorial for youth workers to learn about how to work with rural youth, methods and best practices

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nuances of rural communities, exploring unique challenges and opportunities the present, and equipping you with effective methods and best practices tailored to rural settings.


Sustainable Tools for engaging young people with the ARTS 

Project Number: 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018651

START project aimed to develop innovative digital tools and methods for increasing the capacity, knowledge and skills of youth workers, teachers, educators, and training professionals, to acquire the appropriate professional and quality level to support young people, especially with fewer opportunities and/or disabilities for promoting social change through initiatives based on the Arts. The main objective was to provide comprehensive training material and sustainable tools to youth workers, based on modern, artistic and creative methods, as well as competences, in order to engage young people with the Arts, as a way to foster their active participation in EU societies, increase their interest about global issues and recent social crises and enhance their social motivation to develop actions with social impact.

1. START Empowerment digital curriculum

This digital guide will fill your information, capacity and knowledge gaps in the area of using the Arts to create social impact and foster social inclusion and participation of young people, by developing arts related activities. It is an influential and accessible method to help people learn, become aware of and grasp the most important information on active participation through the Arts to achieve social change in EU societies. It has an accessible format, in the form of a “flipbook”, to facilitate the engagement of young people at risk and/or with disabilities.

STARTathon methodology

The methodology aims helping you to create organise #STARTathon events for social change with young people, improving their competences to become active in societies.


STrengthen the Skills Of NEets – STONE

Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-079978

STONE focused on defining and acknowledging innovative models, approaches and tools in order to support adult learners’ personal development processes, based on self-awareness. The aim of the project was to prevent ESL and NEET phenomena and, at the same time, to work and focus on the number of adult educators who work with NEETs and vulnerable groups with adult learners, by upgrading their skills.


1. Capacity building training course on new key competences

The course is based on New Basic Skills modules for adult educators, trainers, youth workers and professionals who work with the target groups of NEETs and Early school leavers. The structure is designed on the basis of five key competences: a) Digital competence, b) Personal, social and learning to learn competence, c) Citizenship competence, d) Entrepreneurship competence, e) Cultural awareness and expression competence.


2. Targeted training package for adult educators

The materials consist of training methods, schedules, core modules and effective element combinations in a toolkit style. The Training Package for NEET Teachers is finalized in combination with the modules of the “Tools for trainers to empower NEETS” project: 1) Employability, 2) Mobility, 3) Entrepreneurship, 4) ICT & Media tools, 5) Soft skills & Other competences, 6) Additional Training materials which are related to the on-line modules and the results of the “Tools for trainers to empower NEETS” project which was completed in October 2018.

3. Assessment tool on self-evaluation and learning personalization

This assessment tool provides a simple, easy-to-use model/ framework, which is suitable for a self-assessment of educational services and has two main purposes: serve as a tool for adult educators, NEETs who want to improve the performance of their skills related on the project’s subject; 2. to act as a ‘bridge’ to facilitate dialogue across the various educational and training providers not only in local but also in EU level.

4. Good practices toolbox for upskilling adult educators and NEETs

The Good Practice Toolbox has the good practices and success stories of learners (NEETs) and good practices and success stories of adult educators/teachers, counselors, and youth workers.