Let Us Think Green – Empowering Youth Organizations for Green Europe

Duration : 01-01-2023 – 01-01-2025
Project number: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-YOUTH-TOG-101086205

The “Let Us Think Green” project unites six NGOs from five countries to promote environmental sustainability, focusing on clean water, air, and oceans. The initiative includes training, awareness events, a green conference, and sharing best practices.

It directly engages 100 participants, including youth workers, experts, and volunteers, with 140 additional indirect beneficiaries. The project aims to establish a cooperation model, boost environmental awareness, and enhance participants’ skills.

Key outputs include an electronic booklet, research reports, media, and a project website. Aligned with Erasmus+ priorities, the project fosters collaboration with local institutions in Turkey, with plans for ongoing partnerships after completion.

Project meeting and green awareness activities in Dalyan, 2023

Green Conference and Green Exhibition in Antalya, 2024

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