
My name is Fra Bastianello, 27 years old. I live in Bologna and I’m originally from Padova, Italy.

I am currently working in Vilnius for Tavo Europa as part of my Civil Service – in Italy with the Scambieuropei association – and I’m going to stay here for three months. I’m involved in the Project Management branch of the association.

I graduated in April 2022 and got my Masters Degree in Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology and Ethnolinguistics at the University of Venice and Padova (inter-university degree). I acquired knowledge on how to conduct field research using tools and techniques related to ethnographic, qualitative data gathering and analysis.

During my academic studies, I’ve taken exams related to gender matters and graduated with a dissertation – both in Masters and Bachelor Degree – related to climate and ecological crises and how different social movements address the problem and ask for change.

In August 2022, I participated in a Youth Exchange in ZEGG, an eco-village in Bad Belzig, Germany – practicing methods related to managing emotions, dealing with group dynamics, and critically assessing different ways of living. Also, my interest in facilitation deepened, and in October 2022, I decided to start a three years course about group facilitation in Milan, Italy – which is ongoing.

Since I am passionate about facilitation, transfeminism, and nonviolent communication, I’m on a journey to find out how to combine the skills I’m acquiring during the Civil Service and the facilitation course. My goal is to create safer spaces to live, communicate, and build communities in which people respect and support each other, in particular in contexts connected to political activism.