Duration: 01-09-2020 – 31-03-2022
Project number: 2020-2-ES02-KA205-01566
DITOSE is inspired by the promotion of technical training by teaching young workers and youth to fight against youth unemployment, providing them with creative ideas to prepare for the New Age and promote entrepreneurship. Furthermore, these tools will focus on the specific Universal Accessibility requirements of our participants based on the EU’s commitment to improving the social and economic situation of people with disabilities, based on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
The objectives of this project are :
– ANALYZE AND EVALUATE different technological tools used for training and employment through cooperation and the execution of joint initiatives between European youth entities to promote the capacities of workers in the field of youth and youth employment.
– SUPPORT YOUTH WORKERS in the development and exchange of effective methods that reach young people, addressing the risk of social exclusion through adapted tools with accessibility or teaching to promote the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities and facilitate the transition of young people with and without disabilities into adulthood, particularly concerning integration into the labour market; development of skills, establishing quality standards, ethical and professional codes.
– EDUCATE THE SOCIETY in general about certain aspects, situations and needs of young people to capture their motivation for inclusion in the training and work environment.
The participants involved in the project will be both workers from organizations, where young people with or without disabilities participate, and young people involved in the activities of the organizations. Participation will be carried out DIRECTLY and INDIRECTLY. There will be participants who will interact directly with the project team WITHIN THE PARTNER ENTITIES (two workers per entity) and WITHIN THE PARTICIPATING NON-PARTNER ENTITIES (at least 2 entities that work with youth per country). Each of these will have a representation of 3 people: two workers and a young person. All of the participants would add up to a total of 36 people. We will also involve INDIRECT PARTICIPANTS, including entities and young people, who will participate indirectly with their participation through surveys.
The ACTIVITIES will be based on the ANALYSIS, TESTING, ELABORATION AND DISSEMINATION of good practices of accessible digital tools for the training and employment of young people. The follow-up will be:
1- Initial Meeting, the objective will be to analyze the correct execution of the planning and coordination of the project to achieve effective teamwork, meeting deadlines and objectives.
2- Analysis of the tools: the objective of this meeting after the analysis of the tasks established in November and the grouping of them online, will be to contribute the information collected on digital tools for training and employment in the different countries, to find an example of good practices used in the host country.
3- Testing: after the analysis of the digital tools, and the application in the different countries, we will analyze the results in each one of the countries and later we will meet to share the results. The difficulties and solutions discovered in each country will be analyzed, and an effective intermediate tool applicable to all participants will be produced.
4- Dissemination: dissemination of the results to entities, professionals and the community for the knowledge of efficient and accessible tools for everyone in the field of training and employment.
The expected repercussion is to GENERATE A GREATER SOCIAL IMPACT AND A GREATER AWARENESS regarding the NEEDS of YOUNG PEOPLE and the need for their motivation to promote TRAINING and EMPLOYMENT, improving their skills.
Furthermore, we hope that the organizations involved can:
-Implement the learning acquired from collaboration with other European entities and collaborate in improving the skills of young Europeans.
-To put into practice the principles of full participation of all young people, promoting the same opportunities.
-To promote the feeling of European citizenship and the understanding of its role in Europe in the social and labour field and to promote their participation.