Digital Cultural Designer event in Marijampolė

On November 29, 2022, one of the final events of the Digital Cultural Designer project took place in Marijampole. It was attended by about 15 workers and representatives of youth, culture and art. The products created during the project were presented during the event.

Digital Culture Designer is an advanced project that has produced 2 digital tools. The first is a guide that introduces the concepts of digital culture and linked open data, develops topics such as the evolution of digital culture, linked open data, youth employment and digital culture professions, effective ways to increase digital awareness among young people and digital resources to implement it.

The second tool is a training course program for museums, libraries and other cultural institutions. This training program is based on the goal of increasing knowledge and capacity to use linked open data for cultural service innovation.
So this training course program was presented during the event. All participants received an electronic version of the training course program, which they can successfully use in their work and share with other colleagues.

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