Day: November 30, 2022

Language learning to support active social inclusion – training course in Murzasichle, Poland

Training courses are always a good way to learn something new and exciting, share experiences with others and get to know people from other countries. This time, we share small moments from a training course in Murzasichle, Poland. The main goals of this project were to learn more about social inclusion in education and how […]

Language learning for active social inclusion: cultural exchange – a way to become fluent in another language

To learn something you have to come out of your shell and conquer the fear of being judged by others. The same applies when somebody is trying to learn a language. Although it is challenging and honest persistence requiring job, it is worth it – to know a language means to know the culture, to know new people […]

Language learning for active social inclusion: video gaming as a way to learn the language

There are various ways to learn a language, but have you hear that our everyday activities and hobbies can also be helpful?  You learn through experience – many say, and video games are exactly – adventurous, fun and engaging tools to help practice the language. Several scientific research studies have found that video games can help users […]

Language learning for active social inclusion: is social media a good learning tool?

It is estimated that on average a person spends two and a half hours on social media daily. This time can be spent on mindless scrolling and just passing time, but it can also be spent learning. Social media is used by language learners outside of traditional learning environments. Informal language learning through social media can occur through […]