Humanity As Priority

The project took place between August 23-29, at Marabu Camp, Milcoveni village, Caraș-Severin county. 42 young people aged 16-24 from Romania, Italy, Germany, Greece, Lithuania and Turkey participated in this project. The objectives of the “HUMANITY AS PRIORITY” project were: – participants’ knowledge of the current migration crisis in Europe and the fundamental principles of […]

Digital Entrepreneurship Accelerator

For most people, the start of September symbolises learning. And it definitely was a week of learning in Bansko, Bulgaria! The primary aim of the DEA project is the education of youth workers that will be able to transfer the gained skills, tools and knowledge towards young new digital entrepreneurs. During Digital Entrepreneurship Accelerator the […]

How to overcome the loneliness of youth

In this article that was published on Lily Verity and Pamela Qualter from the University of Manchester describe how they found in their research that those who report experiencing loneliness the most are young people, and the common images of solitude people tend to have do not match the experience of loneliness during adolescence and young […]

Beam Me Up, Digi!

The Youth exchange called “Beam Me Up, Digi!” was my first exchange ever. It was a great experience and because of it I have high standarts for other Erasmus+ exchanges. I really enjoyed exploring the theme of digital learning and sharing my knowledge and ideas with others. All of the participants and organisers were extremely […]

Youth exchange “Language of Future, Coding”

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project on coding titled “Language of Future, Coding” Supported by the European Union and the French National Agency was held at Düzce Grand Beyaz Hotel between 15-23 July 2021. There are 45 participants in the project from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Portugal, England, Lithuania and Turkey. The project was aimed to develop […]

Fit To Belong

Fit To Belong is a project focusing on loneliness in young people. These days, this topic is well-known for anyone who tries to explore themselves on a deeper level. A lonely person isn‘t the one who never goes for walks on their own, not the one who has a small circle of friends, or whose […]

Give your School a New Tool kick-off meeting

From 06-07-2021 to 09-07-2021 the first meeting of the “GYSNT” project was held recently in Poland. The project aims to help teachers of the youngest students to make their distance education and mixed education as effective as possible, involve additional parent support to a low extent and assure that the transition from stationary to remote […]

Loneliness Across Cultures

The website Loneliness Across Cultures is an online exhibition about loneliness across cultures. On the site you can view and and listen to numerous videos that capture the wisdom about loneliness that people from different countries of the world are willing to share. The website can help you understand your own or others’ loneliness better, make you realise […]